{{image class="center" alt="Mageia Map" title="Mageia Map" url="" link=""}}
BTW, the [[ source is available as a XMind file]] (under this WikiLicense of course), see CompileXMind to edit it
~- add colors for external services: in green (social networks, flickr...) - should add freenode in green too
~- see MageiaMirrors for zoom on mirrors (not yet build-system, will be on MageiaBuildSystem to describe interactions and process)
BTW, the [[ source is available as a XMind file]] (under this WikiLicense of course), see CompileXMind to edit it
~- add colors for external services: in green (social networks, flickr...) - should add freenode in green too
~- see MageiaMirrors for zoom on mirrors (not yet build-system, will be on MageiaBuildSystem to describe interactions and process)
BTW, the [[ source is available as a XMind file]] (under this WikiLicense of course), see CompileXMind to edit it
~- add colors for external services: in green (social networks, flickr...) - should add freenode
~- see MageiaMirrors for zoom on mirrors (not yet build-system)