Existing task- metapackages in 2010.1
The rectangles identify categories and dependancies show related packages or specific declination (e.g. task-printing with types of printers). Grouping could be done otherwise, suggestions welcome :)
Source is available at Mageia Existing Task- xmind (of course WikiLicense applies) see CompileXMind to edit it
- reorganize the -gnome and -kde packages (they may be associated with the related desktop)
- perhaps identify other categories to suggest creating other task- packages
See for example task-games (~60 games) or more simply task-edu :
- kdeedu4
- educazionik
- kdegames4
- semantik
- tuxpaint
- tuxpaint-stamps
- scribus
- celestia
- stellarium
- drgeo
- freemind
- gcompris
- gcompris-music