Blog Mageia is the category for news informations about Mageia
For specific discussions, see CategoryMageiaDev or CategoryMageiaInfo :)
The following 25 page(s) belong to CategoryBlogMageia

Blog20100918MageiaLaunched [Mageia is launched ! tada ! With a kind of magic ;-)]
Blog20100920MageiaSuggestions [Some reviews to find suggestions for Mageia improvement]
Blog20100921MageiaCooperation [Mageia is willing to cooperate]
Blog20100922MageiaBeginningStatistics [Blog20100922MageiaBeginningStatistics]
Blog20100924MageiaSomeMotto [Some motto have appeared with Mageia]
Blog20100925MageiaGoodRoots [A selection of existing works for Mageia]
Blog20100927MapForMageia [A map for Mageia]
Blog20100929MageiaDonationFollowUp [Mageia donations curve (Paypal)]
Blog20101001MageiaMigrationPathForUsers [Scenarios for a migration path to Mageia for users]
Blog20101002MageiaLegalManagement [Legal management of licenses for Mageia]
Blog20101003WellMageiaWontMakeItAllOnItsOwn [Mageia won't make it all on its own, needs participation and common involve]
Blog20101011MageiaBuildSystem [Blog20101011MageiaBuildSystem]
Blog20101013MageiaLegallyGreyPackages [Reference threads for distributing legally-grey packages in Mageia]
Blog20101022MageiaInvolvementWithUpstream [Mageia should give the keys to involve oneself with upstream]
Blog20101119Commtributeur [Un commtributeur ça taffe dur]
Blog20101220DemontageClavierEeePCbloqueTouche [Blog20101220DemontageClavierEeePCbloqueTouche]
Blog20101228LeBlueRaySurLaFreebox [Blog20101228LeBlueRaySurLaFreebox]
Blog20110101LeBlueRaySurPeritel [Et là, j'ai de nouveaux artefacts pour un lecteur blue-ray connecté en rca^]
Blog20110323UsingGnuplotWithMageia [Representation of several values as time goes by (temporal values)]
Blog20120107RegisteringForMageia [Blog20120107 Registering For Mageia]
Blog20121030Minitel20AutohebergementDifferences [Blog20121030Minitel20AutohebergementDifferences]
Blog20140515SoundJuicer [Blog20140515SoundJuicer]
HomePage [Welcome to MageiaCauldron!]
HomePageFr [Bienvenue sur MageiaCauldron !]
MageiaCauldron [À propos Mageia Cauldron]

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