CompilingPrograms > how to compile programs for GNU/Linux, then package them for Mageia, good practices

Pages about compiling programs for GNU/Linux and eventually packaging them for Mageia

The following 6 page(s) belong to CompilingPrograms

CompileEinstein [CompileEinstein]
CompileInkscape [CompileInkscape]
CompileModelio [CompileModelio]
CompileXMind [Using XMind for mind-mapping]
CompilingProgramsGames [Games for Mageia]
CompilingProgramsScientific [CompilingProgramsScientific]

How to compile programs for GNU/Linux and packaging them for Mageia

Before trying to compile, identify if the program has been packaged for another distribution
Check that
Now you're ready to compile and spending some time on it

Installing a source-version system to manage source code

Trying git

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