Revision [376]

Last edited on 2010-12-30 02:05:32 by BaudAdmin [revert]
Mageia weekly news are a way to identify hot topics of the moment, be it planned or appearing by enchantment.

====Mageia Weekly News 2010 week 42====
From Monday 18th october 2010 till Sunday 24th 2010
===Events, achievements, planned actions===
~- installation of servers effective at Ielo on friday 22 (yep that 22/10/10 and 22 + 10 + 10 = 42, AND IT WAS CAPS LOCK DAY TOO /O\), see BTW, the ML for sysadm is [[ public]] :)
~- logo contest, objective announced on the 28th october, coming week (tentative date on the 6th november?)
~~- [[ artguide updated]] and [[ proposed artworks available on flickr]] (please, review artguide to add link to svg and other declinations suggested)
~- [[ several policies]] have been published and are being discussed

~- see [[ meetings notes]] and [[ current week meeting]] for hot topics
~- summary of -discuss (main threads)
~~- logo discussion, see [[ artguide]]
~- summary of -dev
~~- repository structure

~- donation on the road to 7000 € see 6914,32 € - next step : 8888,88 € :-) Thanks to all!

====What should be the context and content provided to Weekly News?====
===Those involved===
Anyone interested in reporting a global view of activity for Mageia can contribute (ideally with links to interesting threads identified).

Have in mind that this is a weekly news, not a status report, though it should give any newcomer a sense of what's happening and see how to get involved in the project (see below). To scale correctly, the weekly news could have several teams synthetize their activity (even if not every week, each team having to find their own timing)

===What to do===
Main objective is to provide global information that can be used:
~- by those that follow the ML from time to time
~- by the board to identify subjects they may have overlooked or push an agenda for coming things (can be on several weeks)
~- by communication team to synthetize a monthly activity in a magazine, this one translated in many languages?
~- by local teams to communicate about events interesting other local communities? For FOSDEM, LSM/RMLL, Guadec... others?
~- use an adapted [[ MoSCoW Method]], I'm not sure it's relevant for news :)
~- as an addition to implying user's involvement providing a community vision and priorities (a wiki should be the preferred form imho to permit anyone involvement even when not part of an identified team)

===Static parts===
~- show how to be involved in weekly news, involve several teams, I'm not sure translations are needed for example? (would be on a voluntaries basis IMHO, better focus on monthly issues of a magazine to publish status
~- provide links to other information links :
~- have in mind newcomers and provide links for quick reference to get involved and other communications available for a more global status, for the moment being gives it all IMHO (irc, ML, blog, wiki to join the project)

Deletions: auto insurance bgrl mobile home insurance 571 homeownersinsurance :-[

Revision [375]

Edited on 2010-12-29 07:21:30 by [2.2]
Additions: auto insurance bgrl mobile home insurance 571 homeownersinsurance :-[
Mageia weekly news are a way to identify hot topics of the moment, be it planned or appearing by enchantment.

====Mageia Weekly News 2010 week 42====
From Monday 18th october 2010 till Sunday 24th 2010
===Events, achievements, planned actions===
~- installation of servers effective at Ielo on friday 22 (yep that 22/10/10 and 22 + 10 + 10 = 42, AND IT WAS CAPS LOCK DAY TOO /O\), see BTW, the ML for sysadm is [[ public]] :)
~- logo contest, objective announced on the 28th october, coming week (tentative date on the 6th november?)
~~- [[ artguide updated]] and [[ proposed artworks available on flickr]] (please, review artguide to add link to svg and other declinations suggested)
~- [[ several policies]] have been published and are being discussed

~- see [[ meetings notes]] and [[ current week meeting]] for hot topics
~- summary of -discuss (main threads)
~~- logo discussion, see [[ artguide]]
~- summary of -dev
~~- repository structure

~- donation on the road to 7000 € see 6914,32 € - next step : 8888,88 € :-) Thanks to all!

====What should be the context and content provided to Weekly News?====
===Those involved===
Anyone interested in reporting a global view of activity for Mageia can contribute (ideally with links to interesting threads identified).

Have in mind that this is a weekly news, not a status report, though it should give any newcomer a sense of what's happening and see how to get involved in the project (see below). To scale correctly, the weekly news could have several teams synthetize their activity (even if not every week, each team having to find their own timing)

===What to do===
Main objective is to provide global information that can be used:
~- by those that follow the ML from time to time
~- by the board to identify subjects they may have overlooked or push an agenda for coming things (can be on several weeks)
~- by communication team to synthetize a monthly activity in a magazine, this one translated in many languages?
~- by local teams to communicate about events interesting other local communities? For FOSDEM, LSM/RMLL, Guadec... others?
~- use an adapted [[ MoSCoW Method]], I'm not sure it's relevant for news :)
~- as an addition to implying user's involvement providing a community vision and priorities (a wiki should be the preferred form imho to permit anyone involvement even when not part of an identified team)

===Static parts===
~- show how to be involved in weekly news, involve several teams, I'm not sure translations are needed for example? (would be on a voluntaries basis IMHO, better focus on monthly issues of a magazine to publish status
~- provide links to other information links :
~- have in mind newcomers and provide links for quick reference to get involved and other communications available for a more global status, for the moment being gives it all IMHO (irc, ML, blog, wiki to join the project)


Revision [352]

Edited on 2010-12-28 23:14:02 by BenoitAudouard [revert]
Mageia weekly news are a way to identify hot topics of the moment, be it planned or appearing by enchantment.

====Mageia Weekly News 2010 week 42====
From Monday 18th october 2010 till Sunday 24th 2010
===Events, achievements, planned actions===
~- installation of servers effective at Ielo on friday 22 (yep that 22/10/10 and 22 + 10 + 10 = 42, AND IT WAS CAPS LOCK DAY TOO /O\), see BTW, the ML for sysadm is [[ public]] :)
~- logo contest, objective announced on the 28th october, coming week (tentative date on the 6th november?)
~~- [[ artguide updated]] and [[ proposed artworks available on flickr]] (please, review artguide to add link to svg and other declinations suggested)
~- [[ several policies]] have been published and are being discussed

~- see [[ meetings notes]] and [[ current week meeting]] for hot topics
~- summary of -discuss (main threads)
~~- logo discussion, see [[ artguide]]
~- summary of -dev
~~- repository structure

~- donation on the road to 7000 € see 6914,32 € - next step : 8888,88 € :-) Thanks to all!

====What should be the context and content provided to Weekly News?====
===Those involved===
Anyone interested in reporting a global view of activity for Mageia can contribute (ideally with links to interesting threads identified).

Have in mind that this is a weekly news, not a status report, though it should give any newcomer a sense of what's happening and see how to get involved in the project (see below). To scale correctly, the weekly news could have several teams synthetize their activity (even if not every week, each team having to find their own timing)

===What to do===
Main objective is to provide global information that can be used:
~- by those that follow the ML from time to time
~- by the board to identify subjects they may have overlooked or push an agenda for coming things (can be on several weeks)
~- by communication team to synthetize a monthly activity in a magazine, this one translated in many languages?
~- by local teams to communicate about events interesting other local communities? For FOSDEM, LSM/RMLL, Guadec... others?
~- use an adapted [[ MoSCoW Method]], I'm not sure it's relevant for news :)
~- as an addition to implying user's involvement providing a community vision and priorities (a wiki should be the preferred form imho to permit anyone involvement even when not part of an identified team)

===Static parts===
~- show how to be involved in weekly news, involve several teams, I'm not sure translations are needed for example? (would be on a voluntaries basis IMHO, better focus on monthly issues of a magazine to publish status
~- provide links to other information links :
~- have in mind newcomers and provide links for quick reference to get involved and other communications available for a more global status, for the moment being gives it all IMHO (irc, ML, blog, wiki to join the project)

iiBqtZ <a href="">fpbxhwcaevoe</a>, [url=]ezlizzxuqlzw[/url], [link=]ykaofzuvmgmg[/link],

Revision [346]

Edited on 2010-12-25 10:46:47 by [2.2]
iiBqtZ <a href="">fpbxhwcaevoe</a>, [url=]ezlizzxuqlzw[/url], [link=]ykaofzuvmgmg[/link],
Mageia weekly news are a way to identify hot topics of the moment, be it planned or appearing by enchantment.

====Mageia Weekly News 2010 week 42====
From Monday 18th october 2010 till Sunday 24th 2010
===Events, achievements, planned actions===
~- installation of servers effective at Ielo on friday 22 (yep that 22/10/10 and 22 + 10 + 10 = 42, AND IT WAS CAPS LOCK DAY TOO /O\), see BTW, the ML for sysadm is [[ public]] :)
~- logo contest, objective announced on the 28th october, coming week (tentative date on the 6th november?)
~~- [[ artguide updated]] and [[ proposed artworks available on flickr]] (please, review artguide to add link to svg and other declinations suggested)
~- [[ several policies]] have been published and are being discussed

~- see [[ meetings notes]] and [[ current week meeting]] for hot topics
~- summary of -discuss (main threads)
~~- logo discussion, see [[ artguide]]
~- summary of -dev
~~- repository structure

~- donation on the road to 7000 € see 6914,32 € - next step : 8888,88 € :-) Thanks to all!

====What should be the context and content provided to Weekly News?====
===Those involved===
Anyone interested in reporting a global view of activity for Mageia can contribute (ideally with links to interesting threads identified).

Have in mind that this is a weekly news, not a status report, though it should give any newcomer a sense of what's happening and see how to get involved in the project (see below). To scale correctly, the weekly news could have several teams synthetize their activity (even if not every week, each team having to find their own timing)

===What to do===
Main objective is to provide global information that can be used:
~- by those that follow the ML from time to time
~- by the board to identify subjects they may have overlooked or push an agenda for coming things (can be on several weeks)
~- by communication team to synthetize a monthly activity in a magazine, this one translated in many languages?
~- by local teams to communicate about events interesting other local communities? For FOSDEM, LSM/RMLL, Guadec... others?
~- use an adapted [[ MoSCoW Method]], I'm not sure it's relevant for news :)
~- as an addition to implying user's involvement providing a community vision and priorities (a wiki should be the preferred form imho to permit anyone involvement even when not part of an identified team)

===Static parts===
~- show how to be involved in weekly news, involve several teams, I'm not sure translations are needed for example? (would be on a voluntaries basis IMHO, better focus on monthly issues of a magazine to publish status
~- provide links to other information links :
~- have in mind newcomers and provide links for quick reference to get involved and other communications available for a more global status, for the moment being gives it all IMHO (irc, ML, blog, wiki to join the project)


Revision [250]

Edited on 2010-10-28 21:03:22 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
~- logo contest, objective announced on the 28th october, coming week (tentative date on the 6th november?)
~- logo contest, objective announced on the 28th october, coming week

Revision [249]

Edited on 2010-10-28 21:02:51 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
~- logo contest, objective announced on the 28th october, coming week
~- logo contest, objective announced for the 28th october, coming week

Revision [232]

Edited on 2010-10-25 01:32:38 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
~- as an addition to implying user's involvement providing a community vision and priorities (a wiki should be the preferred form imho to permit anyone involvement even when not part of an identified team)

Revision [231]

Edited on 2010-10-25 01:27:09 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]


Revision [223]

Edited on 2010-10-25 00:29:02 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
~- have in mind newcomers and provide links for quick reference to get involved and other communications available for a more global status, for the moment being gives it all IMHO (irc, ML, blog, wiki to join the project)
~- have in mind newcomers and provide links for quick reference to get involved and other communications available for a more global status

Revision [222]

Edited on 2010-10-25 00:07:14 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
~~- logo discussion, see [[ artguide]]

Revision [221]

Edited on 2010-10-24 23:44:38 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
~- installation of servers effective at Ielo on friday 22 (yep that 22/10/10 and 22 + 10 + 10 = 42, AND IT WAS CAPS LOCK DAY TOO /O\), see BTW, the ML for sysadm is [[ public]] :)
~- [[ several policies]] have been published and are being discussed
~~- repository structure
Have in mind that this is a weekly news, not a status report, though it should give any newcomer a sense of what's happening and see how to get involved in the project (see below). To scale correctly, the weekly news could have several teams synthetize their activity (even if not every week, each team having to find their own timing)
Main objective is to provide global information that can be used:
~- installation of servers effective at Ielo on friday 22 (yep that 22/10/10 and 22 + 10 + 10 = 42, AND IT WAS CAPS LOCK DAY TOO /O\), see
Have in mind that this is a weekly news, not a status report, though it should give any newcomer a sense of what's happening and see how to get involved in the project (see below).
provide global information that can be used:

Revision [220]

Edited on 2010-10-24 23:23:06 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
Anyone interested in reporting a global view of activity for Mageia can contribute (ideally with links to interesting threads identified).
Have in mind that this is a weekly news, not a status report, though it should give any newcomer a sense of what's happening and see how to get involved in the project (see below).
~- have in mind newcomers and provide links for quick reference to get involved and other communications available for a more global status
anyone interested in reporting a global view of activity for Mageia can contribute (ideally with links to interesting threads identified).

Revision [219]

Edited on 2010-10-24 23:18:29 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
From Monday 18th october 2010 till Sunday 24th 2010
~- logo contest, objective announced for the 28th october, coming week
~~- [[ artguide updated]] and [[ proposed artworks available on flickr]] (please, review artguide to add link to svg and other declinations suggested)
~- logo contest, objective announced for the 28th october

Revision [218]

Edited on 2010-10-24 23:12:56 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
~- by communication team to synthetize a monthly activity in a magazine, this one translated in many languages?
~- by local teams to communicate about events interesting other local communities? For FOSDEM, LSM/RMLL, Guadec... others?
~- use an adapted [[ MoSCoW Method]], I'm not sure it's relevant for news :)
~- show how to be involved in weekly news, involve several teams, I'm not sure translations are needed for example? (would be on a voluntaries basis IMHO, better focus on monthly issues of a magazine to publish status
~- show how to be involved in weekly news

Revision [217]

Edited on 2010-10-24 22:28:40 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
===Static parts===
~- show how to be involved in weekly news
~- provide links to other information links :

Revision [216]

Edited on 2010-10-24 22:26:16 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
===Events, achievements, planned actions===

Revision [215]

Edited on 2010-10-24 22:24:16 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
~- installation of servers effective at Ielo on friday 22 (yep that 22/10/10 and 22 + 10 + 10 = 42, AND IT WAS CAPS LOCK DAY TOO /O\), see
~- see [[ meetings notes]] and [[ current week meeting]] for hot topics
~- donation on the road to 7000 € see 6914,32 € - next step : 8888,88 € :-) Thanks to all!
~- installation of servers effective at Ielo on friday 22 (yep that 22/10/10 and 22 + 10 + 10 = 42, AND IT WAS CAPS LOCK DAY TOO /O\), see
~- see [[ meetings notes]]
~- donation on the road to 7000 € see 6914,32 € - next step : 8888,88 € :-)

Revision [214]

Edited on 2010-10-24 22:08:54 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
===What to do===
provide global information that can be used:
~- by those that follow the ML from time to time
~- by the board to identify subjects they may have overlooked or push an agenda for coming things (can be on several weeks)

Revision [213]

Edited on 2010-10-24 22:06:42 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
====What should be the context and content provided to Weekly News?====
===Those involved===
anyone interested in reporting a global view of activity for Mageia can contribute (ideally with links to interesting threads identified).

Revision [212]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-10-24 21:53:23 by BenoitAudouard [2.2]
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