What would be a distribution without upstream developers and contributors?

Mageia should give the keys to involve oneself with upstream

Well keys exist even when there's a lock :)
I'm sure people will love to be involved in a Mageia Game Team involving gamers, players, graphists, translators, packagers, developers... let's elaborate on how people can contribute upstream :-)
Each upstream project has at the minimum: Some tools may be used, they can be documented for each and every package (and kept updated), teams on a specific domain can document and maintain this knowledge base, (re-)using what already exists and making known good practices ;-)

Ideally teams include many competencies that work together

For a list of packages, teams can mutualize efforts for testing and working with upstream to make the relevant information flowing
I would propose to provide generic templates based on a practical pilot, perhaps the gaming team involving:

Desktop teams

Well, one difference would be to have users involved in their desktop usage, day to day

Communication teams

Communication is possible for everyone, though not everyone has the time or the fluency or the talent to write and analyze/follow what is being done

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