Well, Fosdem is a recurring rendez-vous between developers, some item keep coming again and again, what can bring Mageia ?

hmmm that's a new distribution, so there's new artwork true, but what is one effective throughput at the beginning? yeah, translations :) (as an effective relay for everyone, let's hope it'll continue afterwards as a community initiative success).

Mageia as an international initiative is translated on a please provide a translation initiative

For each language and contributers, just have a look at initial translations available (in less than 1 month) and updates in the long run:

tools used

In use day to day

ML still remain in english and should when common work is relevant (make it easier to synthetize requirements identified by key-users, hopefully translating local requirements and contributions)

promoting local-initiatives globally

promoting LUG and personal initiatives locally

well, acting internationnaly is only being sure that each country has local initiatives, isn't it?

Cross-distribution and cross-projects initiatives are easy

Following meeting at Nuremberg, translation is only the first step : upstream contribution, common tags, common installation, report upstream packaging with updates & patches, adding bugzilla upstram to rpm ? (should be wise), working upstream, tools may be different).

Relations to other projects or organizations:

CategoryFosdem CategoryEvent2011

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