Trying Hugin with photos taken from my HTC Desire Z

Tutorials for Hugin on Mageia [fr]

HFOV in Hugin

HFOV (champ de vision horizontale) X10 sensor

try to have 60°, putting 7 and the focal being ~4 mm, this results in ~60°
do not forget to define a photo as a reference (used for orientation, can be used for exposure too)
try to have all photos with the same horizon line (seems to work better than tilted images)
remove common points corresponding to moving things (cloud in the sky, boat on the sea...)
use automatic attribution of common points, using autopano-sift-C for automatical recognition ; beware, sometimes common points are not that relevant: ensure that they are suficiently distant from one another (so that images are distorted correctly to be aligned)


Panorama Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux
Photo Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux Photo Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux Photo Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux
Panorama Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux This latest one with only 2 images, the above one using all 3 images.

Panorama Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux
Photo Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux Photo Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux Photo Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux Photo Plage de La Comtesse - Saint-Quay Portrieux

Some existing bugs autopano-sift-C missing from mageia 1
simply install the rpm from updates_testing (should have made its way to updates soon)

when HFOV of each image is too near 179°, the algorithm do not seem to work correctly, prefer an HFOV ~60° for better results

CategoryHobby VoyageBretagne
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