In CompileInkscape > I've got a logo to translate from English to French, a good exercise for inkscape

I know it would be better if I contacted the original author, that's one of the reason why I intend to submit this work upstream once I've solved some of the difficulties encountered below (my beginning with actual work with inkscape mainly. I still can enhance it afterwards as I intend to maintain it).

Creative commons have a nice logo for really Libre Licenses (2 out of 6 among the more commons ones) available at:
CC approved for Free cultural works

I tried to edit the SVG provided with inkscape, in order to translate it, see

Editing an SVG with inkscape to translate it

the current result I'm not suficiently happy with

The SVG depends on rendering, see CC approved for Free cultural works
though this is what I obtained when converting to PNG (which corresponds to what I did with inkscape and see with inkscape, though it may not appear correctly in SVG :/): CC approved for Free cultural works
Some differences:

A simple tutorial to use path with text

It was difficult to get text on the right side
Maybe, check with some other tutorials what I missed:
I used the following fonts: as it seemed to correspond to original fonts

Submitting this derived work upstream

As I got the original from the original license applies as CC-by-3.0

I know I can contact the author at and will submit this page as a whole explanation.

I decided to add the meta-data with inkscape:
In the original work, there was :
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 13.0.2, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 14948)  -->

That may be a reason why, when I used Inkscape I could not access to the text but only the letters following a path (It would have been easier to have the path & the text, one of the reason why I tried to edit this SVG, at least if I succeed I can provide the text and the path and the way to edit it and translate it, more easily than for me... Maybe I should have asked first the author :/).

though when I opened properties with Inkscape, I did not find anything, so I entered:
inkscape:version=" r9886"
   id="title4047">Logo approved for Free cultural works, in French</title><metadata
		 rdf:resource="" /><dc:title>Logo approved for Free cultural works, in French</dc:title><cc:license
		 rdf:resource="" /><dc:description>derived from logo available at under CC-by 3.0 by</dc:description><dc:creator><cc:Agent><dc:title>Benoît Audouard aka baud123</dc:title></cc:Agent></dc:creator><dc:source></dc:source></cc:Work><cc:License
		 rdf:resource="" /><cc:permits
		 rdf:resource="" /><cc:requires
		 rdf:resource="" /><cc:requires
		 rdf:resource="" /><cc:permits
		 rdf:resource="" /></cc:License></rdf:RDF></metadata>

o_O sodipodi still appears ? I thought there was a fork, maybe sodipodi is still used as a compatibility tag (counter-productive for interoperability imho, but well).

Traductions possibles (in French)

Je vois le logo en trois parties (j'ai eu un peu de mal à l'expliquer dans mon journal) :
Il n'y a pourtant qu'une seule phrase :

Maintenant que j'ai une source éditable facilement et dont je peux modifier le texte, ce n'est pas trop dur de générer des déclinaisons. Il ne me manque que de faire des essais avec des textes qui conviendraient.
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