Wiki source for Blog20121215ManagingOnlineListsQuicklyDone

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===Managing Online Lists and Quickly achieve it===

The basic requirement is always the same:
~- a sortable list of items, with some columns
~- some categories and sub-categories
~- search, tags, display by creation/modification date (latest/newest, oldest)
~- some views: browse, details, results of search (save searches which permits to provide individual views)

Some more requirements com rapidly:
~- anonymized export of the database
~- easily display database model
~- add new fields and take it into account automatically in all default views
~- authentified addition / modification / deletion (ACL ?)
~- manage spam / (automatic) verification of entries
~- versioning
~- batch addition to quickly import new data
~- filtering displayed data (include / exclude) for easy navigation, data drilling
~- display tags and tagcloud

Some tools pretend to achieve it really rapidly, but I never spent suficient time to industrialize it for quick deployment
~- CakePHP
~- Smarty
~- using PostgreSQL and PhpPgAdmin (gives too much rights to the user and the interface cannot be simplified)
~- symphony / python

===Some examples===
~- table to be converted
~- browse a complex database model with views / categories
~~- cakephp to be avoided ?

===Existing tools / requests about it===
~- AutoDia see [[ HowToDia]]
~- check if PmWiki would have an add-in (or any other CMS, not drupal :p)
~- Django, Plone, Rails, Symphony, catalyst,
~- python :/
~- questionnaire
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