Named "Veille technologique" in French, synomym for "Glande sur Internet", "Technological surveillance" or "Technology watch" in english, as suggested by wordreference; I'm still looking for a better wording.

The following 7 page(s) belong to CategoryTechnologySurvey

Blog20130625DifferenceConformiteEtCompatibilite [Différence entre Conformité (à un standard ou une norme) et Compatibilité]
Blog20130712EnvironnementExecution [Blog20130712EnvironnementExecution]
Blog20150104UsineLogicielle [Blog20150104UsineLogicielle]
Blog20151010ComparaisonSIG [Promotion de Openstreetmap dans les SIG francophones]
Blog20151029TechnicalReferenceModelInternetServices [Blog20151029TechnicalReferenceModelInternetServices]
Blog20160311IAworkingOnTheRoute [An IA is working on the route]
Blog20190217ExplorationSpatiale [Exploration spatiale sur la lune, Mars, les astéroïdes]

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