Wiki source for CompileGcstar
gcstar is at
===Packaging gcstar in Mageia=== new version 1.6.2 on 11th july 2011 new version 1.7.0 on 01 September 2012 Develop and Debug GCStar project
barcode scanner: in menu / import / barcode scanner and using an android application (and wifi), hmmm not using EAN-13 :/ does not suggest amazon plugin? see Blog20110603BarCodeWebcam
*** unhandled exception in callback:
*** Can't call method "fileno" on an undefined value at /usr/bin/../lib/gcstar/GCImport/ line 119.
*** ignoring at /usr/bin/../lib/gcstar/ line 2981.
===Some functionalities enabled when dependancies available===
~- in Menu / File there should be an option Statistics, if not check dependancies as shown below
~- creating a gcz file (nope, it's not a tar.gz - with gcs and image directory - renamed as gcz o_O)
~~- from [[ gcstar viewer documentation]] it only seems available as a command line option like %%gcstar -x -e External --exportprefs "zip=>1" -o /mnt/sdcard/collection.gcz ~/doc/collection.gcs%% though I would have expected it in export options :D though, it works perfectly for gcstar viewer (only for books, not DVD :/ check to find option, perhaps GCfilms...)
In menu / Help / dependances
{{image class="rightt" alt="gcstar dependances" title="gcstar dependancies" url="" link=""}}
%%urpmi perl-GD perl-GDGraph perl-GDTextUtil perl-Date-Calc perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime perl-Gtk2-Spell perl-Archive-Zip
Paquetage Version Révision Arch
(média « Core Release (distrib1) »)
perl-Archive-Zip 1.300.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-Bit-Vector 7.100.0 4.mga1 i586
perl-Carp-Clan 6.40.0 2.mga1 noarch
perl-Class-Load 0.60.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-Class-Singleton 1.400.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-Date-Calc 6.300.0 2.mga1 i586
perl-DateTime 0.660.0 1.mga1 i586
perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime 1.500.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-DateTime-Locale 0.450.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-DateTime-TimeZone 1.330.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-GD 2.450.0 4.mga1 i586
perl-GDGraph 1.440.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-GDTextUtil 0.860.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-Gtk2-Spell 1.30.0 2.mga1 i586
perl-Params-Validate 0.950.0 3.mga1 i586
perl-parent 0.225.0 1.mga1 noarch
un espace additionnel de 12Mo sera utilisé.
2.3Mo de paquets seront récupérés.
Procéder à l'installation des 16 paquetages ? (O/n) %%
{{image class="rightt" alt="gcstar dependances" title="gcstar dependancies" url="" link=""}}
===rpm env building===[]=rpmbuild
===some limitations===
DVD barcode scan ?
~- import list of EAN codes of newly bought DVDs?
~- no website with ISBN or equivalent?
importing [[ BookCatalogue]] export ?
changes of website for Christmas? (plugin amazon or alapage to be changed?) Why isn't there a stable XML API to be interpreted?
improvement needed for gcstar viewer (on Android):
~- display author/title
~- enable sort on either column (author / title)
~- add a functionality search/filter on keyword
~- speed, loading is slow, display is slow, 1000 titles collection should be the norm for testing
~- managing series (be it an author or editor)
I have [[ lists outside gcstar]] (a simple HTML page, with a list), as some comments or easy filtering for series is not that efficient :/
===Packaging gcstar in Mageia=== new version 1.6.2 on 11th july 2011 new version 1.7.0 on 01 September 2012 Develop and Debug GCStar project
barcode scanner: in menu / import / barcode scanner and using an android application (and wifi), hmmm not using EAN-13 :/ does not suggest amazon plugin? see Blog20110603BarCodeWebcam
*** unhandled exception in callback:
*** Can't call method "fileno" on an undefined value at /usr/bin/../lib/gcstar/GCImport/ line 119.
*** ignoring at /usr/bin/../lib/gcstar/ line 2981.
===Some functionalities enabled when dependancies available===
~- in Menu / File there should be an option Statistics, if not check dependancies as shown below
~- creating a gcz file (nope, it's not a tar.gz - with gcs and image directory - renamed as gcz o_O)
~~- from [[ gcstar viewer documentation]] it only seems available as a command line option like %%gcstar -x -e External --exportprefs "zip=>1" -o /mnt/sdcard/collection.gcz ~/doc/collection.gcs%% though I would have expected it in export options :D though, it works perfectly for gcstar viewer (only for books, not DVD :/ check to find option, perhaps GCfilms...)
In menu / Help / dependances
{{image class="rightt" alt="gcstar dependances" title="gcstar dependancies" url="" link=""}}
%%urpmi perl-GD perl-GDGraph perl-GDTextUtil perl-Date-Calc perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime perl-Gtk2-Spell perl-Archive-Zip
Paquetage Version Révision Arch
(média « Core Release (distrib1) »)
perl-Archive-Zip 1.300.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-Bit-Vector 7.100.0 4.mga1 i586
perl-Carp-Clan 6.40.0 2.mga1 noarch
perl-Class-Load 0.60.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-Class-Singleton 1.400.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-Date-Calc 6.300.0 2.mga1 i586
perl-DateTime 0.660.0 1.mga1 i586
perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime 1.500.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-DateTime-Locale 0.450.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-DateTime-TimeZone 1.330.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-GD 2.450.0 4.mga1 i586
perl-GDGraph 1.440.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-GDTextUtil 0.860.0 1.mga1 noarch
perl-Gtk2-Spell 1.30.0 2.mga1 i586
perl-Params-Validate 0.950.0 3.mga1 i586
perl-parent 0.225.0 1.mga1 noarch
un espace additionnel de 12Mo sera utilisé.
2.3Mo de paquets seront récupérés.
Procéder à l'installation des 16 paquetages ? (O/n) %%
{{image class="rightt" alt="gcstar dependances" title="gcstar dependancies" url="" link=""}}
===rpm env building===[]=rpmbuild
===some limitations===
DVD barcode scan ?
~- import list of EAN codes of newly bought DVDs?
~- no website with ISBN or equivalent?
importing [[ BookCatalogue]] export ?
changes of website for Christmas? (plugin amazon or alapage to be changed?) Why isn't there a stable XML API to be interpreted?
improvement needed for gcstar viewer (on Android):
~- display author/title
~- enable sort on either column (author / title)
~- add a functionality search/filter on keyword
~- speed, loading is slow, display is slow, 1000 titles collection should be the norm for testing
~- managing series (be it an author or editor)
I have [[ lists outside gcstar]] (a simple HTML page, with a list), as some comments or easy filtering for series is not that efficient :/