Revision [71]

Last edited on 2010-10-10 03:07:35 by BenoitAudouard
There was some peoples (primarily people at the origin of the fork) who proposed some names (I estimated to 40/50 proposals), and then we removed all that were not suitable :
~- already used on .org domain name (nebula, for example)
~- unsuitable because it was too funny and not professional, ie mostly private joke in French (tartopom, for example).
~- trademarked by checking for the various class of use we wanted (i.e. while having a name trademarked for wine was not a issue, a name used in book edition could have been), for example, toucan was proposed, but this is trademarked in France.
~- already used by a old linux distribution, (diamond linux)
~- too similar to some big name in computing field (ubun3)
~- already used by another software or company (nexodus) without being trademarked
~- already used by people who could have enough money to sue (mango) even in a different domain
~- unsuitable and seen as offensive in languages we check (of course, with 6900 languages on the planet, chances are high that every possible name can be funny for at least one person, but problem is when there is a lot more than one), for example mirably (too similar to miserably)
~- not refused by ennael (as I proposed ennalinux :) )
~- not too similar to Mandriva stuff (some people proposed ""BlueBird"", which I liked a lot, except this was the codename of Mandrake 8.2, and traktopel, which was 8.0)
~- implicitly, we also tried to avoid everything outside of ascii (even if some people proposed a chinese name, they will recognize themselves). I say implictly because almost everything was ascii.
We also tried to get a name which could be used for design (i.e. we try to avoid turd linux), with name not already taken everywhere, with .com available, and with a possible good catch phrase but we had to relax these checks, as the twitter account was not available, and as the .com domain name was already taken (but that's not a issue, IMHO). And I
And so basically, after removing more than 95% of the various proposals, only 2 names survived after the selection. And we voted to keep one (and no, I will keep the other one secret).
There was some peoples ( primarily people at the origin of the fork ) who proposed some names ( I estimated to 40/50 proposal ), and then we removed all that were not suitable :
~- already used on .org domain name ( nebula, for example )
~- unsuitable because it was too funny and not professional, ie mostly private joke in French ( tartopom, for example ).
~- trademarked by checking for the various class of use we wanted ( ie, while having a name trademarked for wine was not a issue, a name used in book edition could have been ), for example, toucan was proposed, but this is trademarked in France.
~- already used by a old linux distribution, ( diamond linux )
~- too similar to some big name in computing field ( ubun3 )
~- already used by another software or company ( nexodus ) without being trademarked
~- already used by people who could have enough money to sue ( mango ) even in a different domain
~- unsuitable and seen as offensive in languages we check ( of course, with 6900 languages on the planet, chances are high that every possible name can be funny for at least one person, but problem is when there is a lot more than one ), for example mirably ( too similar to miserably )
~- not refused by ennael ( as I proposed ennalinux :) )
~- not too similar to Mandriva stuff ( some people proposed BlueBird, which I liked a lot, except this was the codename of Mandrake 8.2, and traktopel, which was 8.0 )
~- implicitly, we also tried to avoid everything outside of ascii ( even if some people proposed a chinese name, they will recognize themselves ). I say implictly because almost everything was ascii.
We also tried to get a name which could be used for design ( ie, we try to avoid turd linux ), with name not already taken everywhere, with .com availiable, and with a possible good catch phrase but we had to relax theses checks, as the twitter account was not available, and as the .com domain name was already taken ( but that's not a issue, IMHO ). And I
And so basically, after removing more than 95% of the various proposals, only 2 names survived after the selection. And we voted to keep one ( and no, I will keep the other one secret ).

Revision [57]

Edited on 2010-10-09 23:01:42 by BenoitAudouard
===How to pronounce Mageia name===
===How to pronounce it===

Revision [56]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-10-09 22:59:53 by BenoitAudouard
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